
and there you have it…


home school

our first offical homeschool day

Today was the day. Our family’s first official day of homeschooling. We have been doing ‘school’ all summer. It’s been mostly math (for all) and reading (for Jena). The kids were convinced homeschool started the day regular school got out. Since I was not previously under that impression, what I mentioned above, was all I had, so we went with it. But today, whoa, today we actually tried to do everything in one day. That was a bit different. I learned a few things, and I’m sure I’ll learn a lot more. Here’s the first 5.

1) I was thinking we would start around 9. Today was a tad later, maybe 9:30, ok 10…ish. So shoot me, it was the first day. Isn’t late kinda the point of this whole thing anyway? Lesson learned: Teacher needs to get up earlier. 

2) When I was originally planning my schooling routine I had planned to do the bulk of the academic work for the big two during the little ones’ naptime. Today, even though we started late, I just kept going and ended up with late lunch and cranky kids. Lesson learned: stick to the original plan.

3) Doing Bible, writing, reading, science and math in one day is a lot. I’m super relieved they kicked my butt into starting early. Lesson learned: margin is awesome.

4) It was pretty fun and I actually enjoyed most of it, even with Grant’s breakdown over having to do a gratitude journal. Lesson learned: we made the right choice.

5)I’d forgotten how good it felt to be appropriately challenged (not so much its super stressful and not so little its demotivating). Lesson learned: find that place for the kids too!

I just want to end by saying thank you for all the support you have given since I posted that we had made this life choice. Help has come from everywhere and I am very grateful to have such a supportive community to do this with. Our computer died within minutes (yes literally) of my last post, but a new one has been provided in the last week, many thanks to my in-laws for the laptop and to my amazing multitalented husband who made it workable again. So you’ll be hearing more from me!

cause I don’t have enough to do

So I have announcement, one that I fear may confirm everyone’s suspicions that I am, indeed, crazy. We’ve decided, or rather I’ve decided and used my magical powers of persuasion to show Neil that he should decide too (which he did, I make a convincing case when I believe in something) to home school. Why? Well because I get bored easily and I need a challenge, ha ha ha. No really, I’m beginning to wonder if that isn’t the real reason, though I have an entire page of other more legitimate reasons (part of that convincing case). It really boils down to family lifestyle. Right now we have the availability to not have our family life consist primarily of running from one place to the next and not having our kids see each other near as much as they want to (yes they actually WANT to play together, most of the time). So seize the day! right? Right?

Anyway. For those that are already homeschooling I would REALLY appreciate some pointers.

I know I need to send off a letter of intent, but after that…well there seem to be a lot of options after that. What did you chose and why? What are the differences?

And curriculum pointers please, specifically reading. I am a bit nervous about that one. I learned young enough that I don’t remember a thing about the process, so I’m starting from scratch! But some sort of Bible that would cover all their ages somewhat would be fantastic as well. Anything else you’ve absolutely loved or feel has helped you out in your process, I’m all ears! Advise away, I’m asking for it! Now how often does someone actually ask for advice, seize the day people!

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