So I guess it really is all in a name, according to an article/blog post/something on the Today show blog or the MSNBC website, I can’t really tell, you can read it here if you care, since I was obviously NOT paying attention to the details. Wow that was an awful sentence.

Anyway apparently naming your child the likes of Alec (which I do happen to like and considered) or Preston (which I never considered) are dooming them for a life of crime. Yes that’s right, CRIME. They will surely become little delinquents if named any of these names top ten names or any other name that is ‘oddball, girly or strange’ (since THAT’S real clear and all) says Professor David Kalist. Seriously? Ok in his defense, he doesn’t say surely, but still. Go read it if you want the accurate scoop. I guess a delinquent by any other name wouldn’t be so…delinquenty?

I can see it all now…

“Destined to failure, should these criminal’s parents be held accountable for naming their children ‘criminal names’?” on the next Springer… 

It’s a good thing none of our names were on that list or it’d be back to the drawing board for us! I mean I could never doom my child by his name, isn’t that what years of trial and error parenting and siblings are for…